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conservation of wildlife中文是什么意思

用"conservation of wildlife"造句"conservation of wildlife"怎么读"conservation of wildlife" in a sentence


  • 野生动物保护
  • 野生生物保护
  • 野生物的养护


  • People are paying more and more attention to the conservation of wildlife
  • The research areas focus on the relationships between animal survival , reproduction , population density , population distribution and its environments , endangered mechanism of rare and threaten animal , and conservation of wildlife diversity and its habitats using ecological or molecular techniques
  • Evaluation of the status quo of in situ conservation of wildlife under national priority protection in 473 nature reserves shows that nature reserves in china have provided refuge for 386 species of animals and 264 species of plants under national priority protection , which accounts for 84 . 84 % and 86 . 27 % of the country ' s total wildlife species under national protection , respectively
    摘要对我国473个自然保护区内野生动植物资源就地保护状况的分析和评价表明,这些自然保护区不同程度地保护了国家重点保护野生动物共386种,占其总数的84 . 84 % ;保护了国家重点保护野生植物共264种,占其总数的86 . 27 % 。
  • Helps them to appreciate nature , to be aware of environmental problems , and to voice out their opinions . panda club post aims to spark kid s interest and concern for the conservation of wildlife and their natural environment , and encourages readers to be caretakers of the environment
用"conservation of wildlife"造句  
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